God's Love and the Big Bang!
Carol - thanks for the story about God's Love. Sometimes it can be the most simple story that makes the most sense. I might print it out and we can use it in our Church Bulletin.
The following comments are in this months Reader's Digest in response to the August Edition - "How to Make A Universe"
"How can anyone believe that from an infinitesimal dot billions of times smaller than the tip of a pin, an explosion occurred that produced the universe with its multiple billions of tonnes of rocks in the planets? That's after you squeeze 27 tonnes of stuff into a nonexistent dot. Are we really going to swallow such superlative nonsense? I'd rather accept the sublime statement in Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Stuart Leigh, Bentleigh, Victoria.
"Bill Bryson took us on a fun thought-provoking escapade through the ideas of our origins. Yes, there is intricacy, order, design, balance and beauty in the universe - but tip it a little and things will go askew.
Consider new life, the body's healing power and the constancy of nature. How can we account for this? A Big Bang accident? No way! God made it all on purpose, with a relationship with His created beings in mind. He made us, and loves and cares for us. Without this vital ingredient, life is meaningless." Alan Silverwood, Heathmont, Victoria.
Now last night I had the evening meal with my brother Garry in Traralgon. We got onto this topic, and it got quite heated for awhile. The end result - sort of - was that he believes in the Big Bang - but that it was God Who ordered it. Whereas, the nonbeliever takes God out of the equasion. God Who is sovereign, can use any means to create something. We so often get tied down with these issues of creation - big bang- and so on, when we should be focussing on Christ. Garry reckons that when he gets to heaven he's going to ask God how He created the world, and God will answer him by saying 'with a Big bang of course!'
# posted by shellymac @ 9:40 am