there's hope for people
Really, what's this about the blog becoming a Gary and Michele site, it because other people don't write enough. A lot of sad cases too, but Geoff Williams you have seen the light, the mighty Brisbane will run over those morons today.
Now Michele, (its not the Gary and Michele show), you need a globe of the world, to actually believe and know that the world is round, and to come to our church when the Rev. Carol is taking the service and giving out communion. What happened to the swinging sixties and women's lib. -- I can understand that it passed your family by, but you daughters, don't they have studs in the navel, an ipod, a tatoo on the bikini line, smoke, read Cleo, and drive like they were in the grand prix? Ah the modern young woman, is beyond me, and no wonder David Webb has grey hair.
And how is BSF, people? All the studies ae good.
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:21 am