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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

the bombing 

Well, good John Howard has said the usual things and we will cary on as usual: protection, military strength, allied to the americans, those asians are not people like us (and we don't want them here), little understanding and little help. It will help him win the election, fear is a motivator and he knows it. Help, understanding, dialogue: no! Iraq is 'going well' for the americans and chetenya for the russians, as did other places like vietnam in the past. more millitary spending, less for the needy, the rich are doing ok, getting richer of course. And the church, nothing to do or say: teaching this week will be one some new testament passage, and nothing else will get a mention.
Why do I go.

# posted by Anonymous @ 10:14 am

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