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Anglican Women!
Sorry guys, it's been a quiet period, just waiting for inspiration to hit! And yesterday's Age did the trick, compliments of Muriel Porter (she always works!):
Jesus accepted women. Why can't Anglicans?
Here's Muriel on Anglican women:
In the final week of the federal election campaign, Australia's Anglican Church leaders will be preoccupied with their own political issues. One of them - yet again - will be the place of women in the church. When the national general synod meets in Fremantle from Oct 2, the possibility of women bishops will once more be on the agenda.
It is now 12 years since women were first ordained as priests in this country, and there are now more than 500 Anglican women clergy across Australia. Yet significant opposition is being marshalled once again to women's full leadership in the church, based on the extraordinary claim that while women are equal to men in the eyes of God, they are "different" in the roles that God intends them to occupy.
"Equal but different", a Sydney-based organisation - Sydney diocese does not permit women priests - is waging a national campaign to try to prevent the general synod voting in favour of women bishops. Its principal weapon is a petition it is circulating, to be signed by women churchgoers only, which describes women bishops as an "unbiblical and divisive move".
On the basis of a few isolated biblical texts, Sydney theologians claim that women are eternally subordinate to men in the church and in the home: they should not exercise leadership in the church as priests, let alone as bishops, and at home they should be submissive to their husbands.
The truly hardline conservatives among them also argue that women should not preach or even proclaim the Scriptures in mixed congregations of men and women.
A startling new theological argument has been produced to bolster these claims. Women must be subordinate to men because Christ, as Son of God, is eternally subordinate to God the Father, the Sydney theologians argue. This is too complex an issue to unravel in a newspaper column, but it should be noted that it comes perilously close to an ancient heresy called Arianism, a heresy that most theologians thought had been safely scotched back in the fourth century.
That alarming development aside, the central claim of women's subordination is entirely in keeping with the teaching of all major theologians up to the end of the 19th century. They at least were consistent, however. They did not limit women's subordination to church and home. They insisted women were subordinate in all walks of life, because they claimed the Bible taught that women were an inferior, secondary creation, more prone to sin and deception than men.
The traditional view was that it was Eve's fault that Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden. So women were allowed no role in public life, unable to undertake higher education, enter the professions, vote, or have any legal status.
Why, we might ask, don't the present opponents of women in the church also require that women give up attending university, standing for parliament, or voting in elections - all activities universally forbidden to women down the centuries on the grounds it was contrary to Scripture? Perhaps because that would make them look just a bit silly in the 21st century?
Similar arguments were made during the debate about women priests but thankfully, in the end, did not prevail. But the context has changed markedly over the past 12 years. The Anglican Communion is now at crisis point over the issue of same-sex unions and openly gay clergy. Those who are insisting that gay people must remain lifelong celibates if they are to be acceptable in the church, claim that they are merely being faithful to Scripture. The crisis is about the authority of the Bible, the conservative forces argue, implying that they and they alone are obedient to Scripture. Those of us who interpret Scripture differently are labelled disobedient.
So opposition to women bishops based on supposed faithfulness to Scripture - the corollary being that those of us supporting women bishops are deliberately flouting God's law - might have a dangerous appeal to some synod members this time, concerned as they are about the unity of the church.
Yes, this is a struggle over Scripture. But it is not a struggle over the authority of the Bible, but rather over biblical interpretation. I reject the claim that because I interpret the Bible differently, I am rejecting the authority of Scripture.
On the contrary, I believe that women's full equality in the world and the church is demanded by the Gospel. While some verses might enjoin women to keep silent and to be submissive, I believe the overall trajectory of the Bible is that men and women are fully equal in all spheres of life, both being created in the image of God.
Jesus' own radical acceptance of women as equals, his inclusion of them among his disciples, and his first resurrection appearance to women, leave me utterly convinced that women must be admitted to full leadership in the church.
# posted by geoff @ 9:21 am
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