1 Cor 13 - God's Love
Carol - you have worded it so well, when you refer to what your son has experienced concerning the girl he has been praying for.
I'm sure that at some stage we have all experienced a time when we have prayed for someone to come to the Lord, and they may never know that we have prayed in that way at all. What a joy to have a 16 year old boy whose heart belongs to the Lord.
My four kids have all given their lives to the Lord - but the scruffiest looking one who has hair half way down his back - is the one who brings you to the foot of the cross when he prays.
I think when we look at 1 Cor 13, we need to realise that the love referred to is Agape love - the love of God. In the flesh we are unable to love with the love of God, but with the strength of the Holy Spirit He enables us to do so. We often (my husband and I) use the verse - "Love keeps no records of wrong" when dealing with couples, friends etc who are having problems. So often the two parties will dredge up things from the past. Of course, we as mere mortals cannot forget what has happened - but - we are to forgive and not bring the subject up again. This is a great difficulty as you know. We had a pretty crook time with some people in our fellowship and they wrongly accused one of our daughters over something. Personally - I would have been quite happy if they hurt real bad - but then I had to learn to forgive them and not to bring it up again. It was over, buried, tossed out, not to be rehashed. The couple themselves would bring it up at times to apologise again, but we had to keep telling them, that we had already accepted their apology, the issue was over and we would not bring it up again.
'Love is kind' - always try to believe the best of a person etc. We can only hope to get near this love through Christ alone. 'Love does not insist on its own way' - we need to put the other persons desires ahead of our own. It reminds me of what was put in my autograph book when I was a kid - JOY = Jesus First, Yourself Last, and Others In Between,
Geoff - we still pray for Gavin and his family, and I believe that one day he will turn up on our door step again. (I'm soooo glad PORT won on Saturday!!) God's Word will not return void. Thanks for your expressions concerning women in ministry - You have said what I struggled to say! By the way - I work with a Female Radiographer almost every day - I have learned to respect her, and appreciate her and she is a Pastor.
# posted by shellymac @ 8:30 pm