still alive
Hi all, and Michele when you get here,
Yes I'm still alive, there is a pulse on the carotid artery and one inside the ankle so that evidence there is life all over me. I have passed level 2 first aid and have been to my first meeting of the local St. Johns group: it was good with a guest speaker an orthopaedic surgeon who showed some great photos of fractures and broken bones. I did learn some things. Going to do first aid with St. J's is likely to be at the cricket not this football season, Geoff, and at the motor bikes, for there is a motor cross track in East Burwood.
I'm not missing bsf, but am sure that Acts is a great study, and very encouraging with the spectacular growth of the early church. I'm going to two bible studies a week, still in town club and neighbourhood watch and now going into st. john -- well it will keep me out of mischief and christians should get involved with the world.
There is a special outreach breakfast at church this saturday and I cango to it as I'm no longer a bsf leader!
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:16 pm