Its wrong to be too busy
Ah two or three weeks to go of BSF. I've done every study twice; six and a half years the first time then a three year break and seven years the second time. Possibably I have stayed a year too long but I wanted to do the minor prophets study.
I have joined other things, namely a bible study at church, the committe of t.o.w.n. club and the committee of our neighbourhood watch group. And i want to read more.
I have noticed how aggressive BSF is. To talk about personal peace is beyond them, even recently when the focuss for once was on joy. It needs a reatreat with the Franciscans.
Geoff and David I gather you are continuing with the next study: yes do them all if its not too much. You would be interested that Holy Trinity has failed to invite 3 BSF groups now, but maybe BSF can't make the right approach. Would I know, well I know the church treasurer and chairman of the vestry well.
# posted by Anonymous @ 6:15 am