Gary - On Wars and Walking the Dog
Gary, I admire the way you relax and enjoy your busy life. And like you, I'm thoroughly sick of football. Today, anyway! But yes, it's graceful at times and something rather awesome about watching skills of the very top level of athlete - to watch Sampi soaring twice as high as any others of the giants on the ground to take a mark (spekky, in the local parlance) is somehow a wonder to behold (we were sitting just above Sampi's head, right behind him in the photo!).
And the images of war are sickening. This from another blog I occasionally read:
I'm sick to my stomach. Yes, I just watched the Nick Berg video. I now feel sick to my stomach and terribly dirty. My small apologies to the Berg family.
I can't describe the feeling.
I have several friends in the military that are in Iraq right now. I wanted us to get out of that country this weekend, because I fear for their safety.
Now, I want Bush to just nuke the whole damn country. Ocean-front property anyone?
If you want to see the video, read Charles Johnson's written description before you watch it.
It's so easy to forget about who we're really dealing with over there.
One of my best friends from the Army just returned from Iraq and when I asked him about what it's like, he said:
"The people over there aren't all bad - the insurgents are animals. They only understand power. They only understand pure unadulterated power and they only respect people that show and use their power."
# posted by geoff @ 4:30 pm