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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Gary and "BESF Reflections" 

Carol, poor Gary meant "BSF" but understandably mistyped (his footy team is struggling, they're below my beloved Demons on the ladder - this is BIG DEAL over here!). He needs much gentle nurturing and care as he's not used to this experience (last time it happened, he swapped allegiances, from the Magpies to the Lions!)

Anyway, as regards visions. Were you aware of the vision (by that fellow Zech again, actually) of the "woman in a basket"? (it's in Zechariah 5, straight after the "flying scroll" vision which reminded me - but no-one else apparently - of the microsoft Windows logo). All the 13 guys in my BSF group admitted to not knowing that there's a vision of a "woman in a basket" in the bible before last week's study (and the basket's got a lead lid, too, to cap it off - sorry!).

Carol, what do you make of "the woman in the basket"??? The woman represents wickedness (it tells us that in v.8), and Dave gave me the best lesson, it implies "something that's out of place, not meant to be there" amongst God's people in Jerusalem. God removes it.

Grant told us that we might imagine the woman as being not very attractive, maybe repulsive (she gets her head shoved right back into the basket when she tries to get out). But the guys in my group didn't buy this, they felt that Grant was taking liberties beyond what we are told in God's word - and in fact, most felt that wickedness is generally very appealing so that she was probably very attractive!

An certain attractive female friend of mine thought that it was wishful thinking on Grant's part, trying to convince himself that he's not missing out on much (these women!)

And while on that subject, the women were told by their leader (who's best mates - married actually - with one of the men leaders) that "while none of us women have a problem with this vision, the men leaders did"!!! We have a serious leak, guys! (think it's called pillow talk).

# posted by geoff @ 5:08 pm

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