BSF and Joy
Gary, you are right about this BSF study in particular (Israel and the Minor Prophets) making us incredibly busy (although I've got heaps out of it). I think it would help a little if their attitude was just a bit less inflexible, if occasionally they lightened up and acknowledged that we need a bit of light-heartedness in life. That's the reason I'm not going to this year's BSF retreat (a weekend of "fun" at a hotel in Melbourne). My trip to Vienna has been moved two weeks later, but still I'm not tempted (life is busy enough anyway, and weekends too short for family and simply catching one's breath).
But, having said all that, and wondering if BSF types are mostly "kill-joys" despite the emphasis on "joy" as the theme of the second half of Nehemiah (is it the Baptist in them?), I must admit to a moment of incredible JOY at last Saturday morning leaders' meeting!
Gary, you were there. It went something like this. We were studying Malachi. The question was something about how modern people also dishonour God's name. One of the children's leaders (who else!), a lovely guy whom I respect greatly actually, provided this moment of sheer joy.
He started by saying how some ministers don't even believe God's word, how they twist it to go soft on certain categories of modern society; how people sing choruses without even considering the words, many of which are doctrinally sus. And how even some Christians blaspheme God's name in speaking; how some people turn up for church dressed as if they're off to the beach; and (obviously on a roll by now) how even things like drinking can be bad examples to others "which is why I don't drink, haven't done for years, but (rubbing tummy) it would be nice sometimes to have the occasional sherry - the last time I drank actually was when I visied an Anglican church..." at which point Grant steeped in. To see Gary shaking his head in disbelief at this slight on the great Anglican institution was priceless!
Actually we found the notes from last week (second half of Nehemiah, about what we should be doing and not doing on the "sabbath" and how much we should be tithing) very judgemental.
# posted by geoff @ 12:16 pm