besf reflections
Well I'm getting a lot from the study and the notes from my bible: I could just spend years reading the bible and the notes.
BSF usually stays well away from visions, trapped this time?
Zechariah is giving a written account of what he saw in the visions, but were they told to the people and were they explained to the people.
I think we should take on simple straight-forward explanations ie;
vision 1 God will restore his people
vision 2 israels enemies will be destroyed by others
vision 3 there will be full restoring of the temple and the city
vision 4 israel will be cleansed
vision 5 Gods Spirit will give Israel power
I'm worried about seeing too much into the visions, which like all visions were meant for a particular people at that time and are about a simple theme, ususally encouragement.
# posted by Anonymous @ 1:26 pm