Trinity Site - Our Mission Statement?
They have a grand aim (the maintainers of the "Trinity" site linked below):
We want to believe whatever the Word of God says, and we hope that what you find herein is representative of that. God bless you richly!
The Truth or Tradition Staff
- the problem, of course, is that all manner of weirdos and cults have the same high ideals, and sadly all believe fervently that they (often alone) are sole guardians of "true understanding" of God's Word. We probably share their aim, and also believe just like them that we've got it (more or less) right.
Which got me thinking, how do others (especially non-believers or those shaky in doctrine) know who and what to believe? The obvious answer is "the Holy Spirit" but not everybody knows his voice from others.
Which somehow led me to wonder, could this blog benefit from some kind of mission statement - something to give some focus, and help others know quickly where we're coming from? Any suggestions??? (to add to the queries already posted yesterday - responses please)
# posted by geoff @ 9:24 am