Stan the (Almost!) Stalwart
Stan, you get a wildcard entry into the stalwart club! Dave & I appreciate your staunch support of sound doctrine, here and in other places, so you're in - like it or not!!!
Now, to the practical issues you raise. My computer (at work) is a whizzy black (very tiny) box, looks very impressive, and the screen is one of those light-weight lcd ones - surprisingly bright, and the blue-on-white writing of our blog looks smart (and easily readable). The text size in my Internet Explorer browser is set to "medium".
Wonder do others have problems like Stan has indicated? I am happy to alter things, so long as they're improvements. Let's have everybody's suggestions and then we'll see what the consensus is, and what we can do to improve.
Things to comment on are the format in general, column width, text size and colour, background colour and anything else.
As for having a "weblog", the idea is that it's available for not just a select membership, but for the world at large, should anyone stumble here.
Are others happy with using a "blog" for our communications?
And two further questions, that seem rather important.
1) How to make the topics more relevant or of wider interest (if I was in advertising, I might be tempted to ask how to "sex it up a bit" to get others to come here, and keep coming back)?
2) How to attract interesting, informative and even perhaps, controversial members?
Answers please...
# posted by geoff @ 3:23 pm