Dave: Regeneration: A changed nature. The believer is no longer a child of wrath, resulting from being born in sin, but is born again and given Christs nature.
Hey I wasn't too far out in this when I said is it something to do with being born again!
Thanks so much for the nice explanations Dave .... it is giving me things to think about.
I think, reading your explanations, that some kind of overlap?
In fact, in a way they are a bit like the colours of the rainbow.... they kind of go from one to the next and all with a slight difference. But it all goes to make up the larger meaning of salvation!
And so ..... as far as the regeneration goes.... a change of nature ...... is it like a seed? It sits there planted, and only slowly slowly it obviously loosens up and finally splits and bursts through the ground. The new nature is a growing thing, and when it bursts through the ground, that is when others (not just God) might begin to see the change the new nature is bringing!
I will think about the next one overnight:))
Thanks again!
# posted by Caroline @ 5:26 pm