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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome! |
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Geoff, one other thing I have been doing recently is renting dvds from the Christian Superstore and watching them! They are all OT at the moment and I am in raptures about them!
Last Saturday I had Esther!!!!!! So I phoned up my Dad and wife and they came round to "fish and chips" and we all (only one of my 4 kids watched) watched this gorgeous movie! It was outstanding, and my Dad, who is a good Bible scholar, pronounced at the end that it was very true to the original story!
It gave me a real look at the times and how things were done.
Wow, womens roles have changed since those days.
We have also watched Solomon, and I notice in these dvds how the ruler of the day (whether King or whatever) always seemed to have various advisors surrounding them, who they actually listened to and took their advice! The various advisors often seemed to have their OWN agenda, and slanted comments to their King towards what they wanted. (Usually political moves, or wanting to overthrow that ruler!) They were soooo cunning, and it made me sick actually!!!!!
I am glad that today, WE can individually have our own inbuilt advisor! Yes, we can listen to wise counsel, but in the end to do things right ... if thats what we want to do ..... then we must ask God.
Sunday evening, we watched Abraham! What a MAGNIFICENT story that is. My 8 year watched it with me, and since then he has read all the story again in the Bible (KIng James at that!) and written a family tree starting at Nahor (Grandaddy) through Terah, Abe and right down to Jacob's kids. He's even got the wives worked out!
I didn't realise how much idols were part of their living back then ..... and they all mocked Abraham for not bowing to these idols so that Sarai could have a child.
(Well, I wonder if THAT bit is in the Bible? They do take a little bit of licence sometimes!!!!!)
Another thing I noticed was that we must be patient!
Abraham was promised by God, all sorts of things, and some took years to pass... but pass they did!!!!
I have Jacob out to look at next, hopefully tonight! I'm on a roll with these. They have made us really look into some of these people more... and the various names like Beniah and Zadok who never meant a thing to me once, now take on real meaning! They are real people now to me!
Sorry to go on......
# posted by Caroline @ 9:24 am
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