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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

All those things 

(Dave) I was thinking of eight major doctrines (there may be more),which define salvation: regeneration, adoption, justification, imputation,sanctification, reconciliation, propitiation, and redemption. I think it is important to understand these to appreciate fully what Christ has done for us, and is seeking to do in our lives daily.

I must be a bit thick (well at least three people here already know that!) but I don't really understand all these things much.

Regeneration: Being born again?
Adoption: Is there a huge doctrinal topic hidden behind this simple word??
Justification: Grace? I'm reading that Philip Yancy book about Grace right now ....
Imputation: Oh help! Never heard of this word.
Sanctification: Kinda of like the blood of Christ cleansing us??
Reconciliation: Isn't reconciled a 'getting back together' thing? So....... um...........
Propitiation: Like propigating plants or something???
Redemption: Ah, this is starting to sound like a familiar church word!

And so..... now you know the truth:(

Do you still want me on this blog?
As I offered earlier, perhaps I could make the tea?

Dave, I sure don't wish to sound like a weirdo, but you know, I have this amazing realtionship with God. I have now heard Gods actual voice 7 times, but speak with Jesus most days.... dialogue fashion. We discuss things etc. He is like my beautiful elder brother who I can freely love and adore with no repercussions..... and who has the BEST advice for EVERYTHING, and who can "kiss it all better"! And I am really enjoying His Word. But I don't know about all those things you mention!!!!!

Perhaps I am alive but handicapped?
I sure know I am alive in Him.
I also know that I will be spending eternity with Him.

Can you teach me about these doctrine things......please? Perhaps one at a time, and speak as tho to my 8 year old. Then I might have a chance at understanding!

Love to you!

PS I truly DO want to understand this stuff. Even reading this book of Mr Yanceys I am feeling even more in awe of the great God of Heaven and earth!

# posted by Caroline @ 9:51 am

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