All those things
(Dave) I was thinking of eight major doctrines (there may be more),which define salvation: regeneration, adoption, justification, imputation,sanctification, reconciliation, propitiation, and redemption. I think it is important to understand these to appreciate fully what Christ has done for us, and is seeking to do in our lives daily.
I must be a bit thick (well at least three people here already know that!) but I don't really understand all these things much.
Regeneration: Being born again?
Adoption: Is there a huge doctrinal topic hidden behind this simple word??
Justification: Grace? I'm reading that Philip Yancy book about Grace right now ....
Imputation: Oh help! Never heard of this word.
Sanctification: Kinda of like the blood of Christ cleansing us??
Reconciliation: Isn't reconciled a 'getting back together' thing? So....... um...........
Propitiation: Like propigating plants or something???
Redemption: Ah, this is starting to sound like a familiar church word!
And so..... now you know the truth:(
Do you still want me on this blog?
As I offered earlier, perhaps I could make the tea?
Dave, I sure don't wish to sound like a weirdo, but you know, I have this amazing realtionship with God. I have now heard Gods actual voice 7 times, but speak with Jesus most days.... dialogue fashion. We discuss things etc. He is like my beautiful elder brother who I can freely love and adore with no repercussions..... and who has the BEST advice for EVERYTHING, and who can "kiss it all better"! And I am really enjoying His Word. But I don't know about all those things you mention!!!!!
Perhaps I am alive but handicapped?
I sure know I am alive in Him.
I also know that I will be spending eternity with Him.
Can you teach me about these doctrine things......please? Perhaps one at a time, and speak as tho to my 8 year old. Then I might have a chance at understanding!
Love to you!
PS I truly DO want to understand this stuff. Even reading this book of Mr Yanceys I am feeling even more in awe of the great God of Heaven and earth!
# posted by Caroline @ 9:51 am