Welcome to Robb & Tamra (we hope!!!)
Some of you here know Robb & Tamra from our home-church group; for others they will be new friends to get to know. Both are very spirited and scripturally-based Christians. I have invited them, and hope they join up.
Robb described the new fellowship they are moving to as:
The assembly we plan to attend in the near future is led by a plurality of male elders with no paid preachers, buildings, or programs. It is comprised of 10-12 large families (8-10 children per family not uncommon). The service lasts well over 2 hours with much spiritual discussion afterwards. Nearly all of the men participate with the women remaining silent during the meeting. Hymns are sung with piano accompaniment. Most appealingly, it is a simple gathering of like-minded, fallible believers who seek to focus on and worship the Savior.
I am hoping to hear more of Robb & Tamra's experiences with this form of worship, and to learn where they fit between home-churches and the formal denominational-type services.
Because, while our personal relationships with the Lord Jesus are crucial, so too is corporate worship as the Holy Spirit dwells within the corporate church body (ref. Eph 2:19-22 "the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit."). And this is where so many of the problems today seem to be in regards to Christian worship...
# posted by geoff @ 5:48 pm