Carol, me... back to normal? Some would see this as impossible. And anyway, I'm off to Vienna again on Saturday 20th for 10 days. It sounds fun, but it has all been very disruptive. And disruptive of my BSF class, too.
BTW, Gary - do you think Grant monitors us on this blog? (he seems to have inside knowledge from somewhere). Anyway, just in case, I'm going to be extra nice re Grant (ie. even nicer than usual). Aren't Grant's lectures fantastic! :-)) Oh, and Grant, if you are there, send us an email via the little link somewhere near the top of this.
Carol, we hope to meet your dad and his wife - probably at our Wed night bible study (Deut 31).
Janice, what has grabbed you from the past few BSF studies???
Gary, I found the KYB link - it sounds good (and it's a bible study "by women for women" - what is going on here??) And I notice they're available in a number of languages - I suggest we study in Welsh!
# posted by geoff @ 4:18 pm