from Gary
I did not understand much of what you wrote, about Rob and Tamara. What are 'spirited and scripturally based Christians', I just do it! Its me to an extent, mentally tired and not motivated for long wordy talks or written things. I need a holiday.
The more I think and pray about quitting BSF and doing KYB the more its "yes". I've e-mailed Paul Barker asking for his thoughts and help, including a room at church. I'm tracking down some past KYB booklets, and could have some as early as tomorrow to show you.
Tell Carol not te be offended. I think that most of the church is the 'righteous right', and needs a good dose of Jack Spong.
And why does Christendom need another home run group for, run by male elders. Whats wrong with female elders. Come to Holy Trin. on Sunday, the rev Carol is taking the services and giving the talk. She's fine by me. We could though have a church for working class people, I'd be the only one there!
# posted by Anonymous @ 9:14 pm