Jonah and bsf
There are interesting things and non-important issues, and that's where I put the idea that Jonah actually died. I doubt it, (that Jonah died). He did get close to death, and from his prayer he says that
he was thrown overboad the current dragged him down he was nearly drowned and caught among seaweed the fish then swallowed him, -- it reads as if a couple of minutes elapsed!
Seamen in those days saw the sea as a very dangerous place and the boat may not have been too far from shore.
However are we missing some points
Jonah was in the fish alone, alive, quiet for 3 days facing up to the fact that so far he is still alive and God has rescued him
therefore he has to think and pray about his relationship with God, really three minutes is bad enough for me
Jonah then goes off to Nineveh and, probably some days later, does a mighty job proclaiming God's message
he's human and realised that these pagans have believed and been saved, his own nation won't, he looks a fool or thinks he's a fool, and the God of the Israelites is sending prophets to, and sparing pagans. Its not fair, he wouldn't be the first or last person to tell God that!
Geoff what does it all mean for us?
# posted by Anonymous @ 5:59 am