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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Learning Thankfulness to God 

Lately my thoughts have been turning to praising and worshipping God. I analysed my prayers and realised how much I ask. There is an imbalance in my communion with God, and it weighs heavily on the selfish side!

I pondered this awhile and did a little bit of reading and then praying on the matter. I asked God to teach me how to praise Him!!!!

Well, my thoughts have been directed to the Psalms a lot, and when I walked today, I sat under a gorgeous leafy shady tree and read a Psalm. I read it as though I was praying this to God, not the psalmist! I felt so happy and filled with Christ when reading it ..... feeling that overwhelming feeling of Thanking Jesus for all He did in the cross... so we can have this perfect peace. This made me thank and thank Him.

Later when walking home, and thinking about all this, and apologising to God for wasting years of thankfulness towards Him .... I suddenly realised, it could be paralleled to raising children.

Babies are hungry and are fed, and cared for. Are they thankful? No!

When they are born, they are only conscious of their own needs and those being met. However as they begin to grow, their parents have to start to teach them to say "Thank You". They then learn, through a painful process of lots of continual reminders, to say this without being prompted. This might take years!!!!

Gradually, there comes a time, when they say Thank You because they MEAN it! They see the value of saying Thankyou, and actually see it as a necessary thing, and they do this genuinely.
Finally, they realise how a "Thank you" can really make another person happy. It can open doors! A Thankyou will make people happy to do things for them! A Thankyou creates warmth between two people! There can become a real bond!

Well, these were my thoughts this afternoon as I contemplated how I am learning to show Thankfulness to God. Without Him, without Jesus, we have nothing.

In Thankfulness and in the joy of having a loving Father, now and forever!

# posted by Caroline @ 3:17 pm

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