Help me to be......
Since I've been praying daily for the Lord to help me to be in the right place at the right time, I note the days of coincidences are now past!
Pray this every morning, and you will begin to have meaningful encounters on a daily basis. And when you meet someone, whisper a prayer to the Lord ... Please Lord... I will be the voice box and you be the words if this is to be a meaningful encounter. Such a powerful request and God honours it, I can tell you.
When in Mexico, everytime we went to the restaurants for meals, we would pray to Jesus that our time would not be wasted and meaningless, and every single time without fail, we met with various christians and had such heartwarming moments, one was filled to bursting.
The amazing encounters grew more and more gobsmacking as the days passed. What a priviledge to be in Gods hands.
Why did I take so long to realise this?
# posted by Caroline @ 8:20 am