Face to Face
On the plane from LA to Mexico, I sat beside a man from Melbourne ... George. Got talking, asked him if he was alone or married (It's ok, my husband was there too (grin)
Said he was married but his wife had motor neurone disease (spelling??) and was not yet 30 years old, and only perhaps a year or so left. They have a 4 year old son. Sad or what?????
George is a believer and I asked if he minded if I pray for his wife? He tearfully said how grateful he was, very touching to me also.
After a while, we stopped talking and had a small sleep. Popped my eye mask on and decided to pray for her before sleeping. While praying, a sudden image of a womans face, VERY clear to every detail, slipped in front of my eyes and I got quite a good look at this woman.
Much later, I was thinking about that and wondered if it was his wifes face! So asked him, do you have a picture of her? Yes! Out came his wallet and there was a picture of a pretty woman, and alas, it wasn't her! Oh well.. good try:)
Then he said, Oh thats back at our wedding time, I have one taken this morning on the digital cam. He got it out, and showed me her pic, and there was the woman I had seen in my minds picture! Not only the same woman, but the exact same photograph! Same angle and everything.
I gasped and told him..... and he was astounded and then we looked down to see goosebumps all over our arms.... the amazement of it all!
Interesting story, huh?
# posted by Caroline @ 8:36 am