Carol & Mike in Mexico..
Carol & Mike, Just to let you know we're thinking of you both as you travel to Mexico and returning via LA, 9 days of excitement! IF you get to a computer and read this, send us a quick comment from the Other Side. And we promise not to mention rugby. Not one little word, unless you ignore us, in which case...
This morning in our Sunday fellowship mtg (which, for all you non-home churchers here, involves a personal time of testimony from each member, youngest to oldest should they wish), someone spoke that nothing can separate us from the love of God, nothing external to us (Paul's words "neither height, nor depth..."). Nothing can separate us, while we don't want it to. Not a bad way of expressing our eternal assurance of salvation, I felt.
Hard to imagine any one of us, who's tasted of the love and goodness of our heavenly Father, ever wanting to be separated from Him!
# posted by geoff @ 5:01 pm