BSF Doctrine - Faith
This week's BSF doctrine (studying lives of kings of Judah Abijah and Asa, David's great grandson and great great grandson, if I've calculated correctly) is faith. It's the first step to a person's salvation (faith in Christ the Son of God).
We find that the kings of Israel who had faith in God were blessed (faith amounts to blessing).
Asa prayed to God expecting God to give victory in battle (against the vast Ethiopian enemy). Spurgeon tells of faith as taking the promises that God gives us for our own. We put our name to those promises that we discover in God's word, and in so doing we attain a blessing from God's word.
Spurgeon went on to describe it as placing the promise before the Lord (in prayer), like presenting a cheque to the bank. We plead it by prayer, expecting to receive. And if we come to the bank on the right date, we cash the cheque! If the cheque is post-dated, we count it as we will have it surely.
Thus we study God's word, not to boast in what we know, but to believe what God is saying to us through his word - his promises as recorded. Study of God's word without application is a faithless study!
# posted by geoff @ 12:54 pm