WWW Treasure Trove
A friend has recommended this website (monergism) which offers "literally thousands of articles on various biblical doctrines of the historic faith. It's an amazing treasure trove of good theology from a broad base of respected contributors. There's also a huge amount of Christian history.
Happy reading...you'll never finish!"
Here's what they say about themselves:
As a result of the proliferation of questionable theology and a certain worldliness among ourselves, it has become nearly impossible to exhaustivly address every theological error. Instead, this site is an attempt to direct the user to classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy. This is done in the hope we will embrace, and recover the true Biblical doctrines of the historic faith. (It is easier to spot a counterfeit when you are familiar with the real item.) Furthermore, monergism.com does not usually point to specific Websites, but rather, to "MUST HAVE" articles, books, audio resources and sermons.
They've got a good quote too:
"To suppose that whatever God requireth of us that we have power of ourselves to do, is to make the cross and grace of Jesus Christ of none effect." JOHN OWEN, III:433
# posted by geoff @ 12:33 pm