Walking with the Lord
Recently the term "walking with the Lord" has taken on new meaning to me! Last week God put the thought into my mind, that if I take a long walk each day, He would speak with me. So, I have been making this a priority for each day lately, and walk up to 2 hours a day. It is exhiliarating. It is the most wonderful time to pray and communicate with God. Every moment of my walk, He and I speak together and it has become the most precious time of each day for me.
I ask Him many questions, and He answers them. He comforts. He encourages. He prompts me who to pray for.
This morning, amongst all our communication together, God spoke with me about His Holy angels and how much they help us here. They long to help more, and we humans have such closed minds and we limit what he could do for us, if we allowed Him.
Also, He promised me that if I take in my mind some pieces of scripture, or some incidents spoken of in the Bible, He will help me to understand them as He sees and meant them.
What a wonderful promise, and it is there for all of us! May we all enjoy and love and pursue all we can of Christ - He has so much to offer!
# posted by Caroline @ 10:40 am