Special Day!
Yep, a very special day. It's been lonely here, and there's a limit to how much fun you can have on your own (the alternative view is, why be selfish and keep all the fun to myself!). But seriously, it will be good to get some dialogue going here (flip-side: to date, there's been no disagreements here!!).
And hopefully some robust discussions. Which means, just like way back in Genesis the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him", so we crave some companions.
So, today we begin sending out a few invitations for friends to join with us. First one goes to my fellow conspirator and ideas-person in this venture, Carol - whose encouragement and wisdom I value greatly.
And what better day to do it - bacause it's Carol's birthday. Happy birthday Carol! Enjoy!!
(oh, and we've somehow added a visit-counter to the bottom, to begin counting from day zero - today!)
# posted by geoff @ 12:36 pm