Geoff etc.
The problems of the story start with Isaac who should have had the whole family together and given blessings to both sons. But he acted in secret with Esau and the other events followed because Rebekah overheard Isaac's instructions to Esau. In the light of the situation I think she acted with shrewdness and 'wisdom', (You're big on situation ethics aren't you?), that's why I'm lenient on Rebekah and Jacob.
In the BSF today Eli showed that he's another man of God that lost it somewhere. He 'sat on the seat' by the pole, the stool seat of judgement, against the main pole to the Tent of the Meeting showing he was the chief priest, but he was 'soft' with his sons who were 'skimming' off what should have been sacrificed to God. Probably Eli is a minor judge but not counted as one.
# posted by Anonymous @ 10:00 am