Power of One?
This week's BSF talk was on first 10 ch's of 1Samuel. The theme was "what can one person do?" Much, if that one person is a Samuel, apparently!
Grant summarised this section, where Israel was moving from a theocracy to the system of kings (where God could still work, the nation would now just have a natural ruler rather than God in control of the lot), as:
1. Samuel the boy - speaks God's words to Eli (1-3:18)
2. Samuel the judge - speaks God's words to Israel (3:19-11)
3. Samuel the prophet - speaks God's words to Saul (12-16)
Some study-points:
- Godly leadership strengthens the nation, and one individual can make a difference.
- just because we don't understand everything (way in which someone is worshipping in church, for instance) doesn't mean it's wrong (Eli jumping to conslusion that Hannah was drunk in the temple).
- The young Samuel was initially afraid to tell Eli the bad news that God told him about the judgement on Eli, until (3:17) Eli asked "What was it he said to you? Do not hide it from me. May God deal with you, be it ever so severely, if you hide from me anything he told you." At which point, Samuel proved he feared God more than he feared Eli.
- after Eli's death, Samuel became the last of Israel's judges and its first prophet.
- true revival is always accompanied by prayer & repentance (7:6).
- ch.8; we can feel personally hurt & rejected when being faithful to our God, but God explained to Samuel that the people were actually rejecting God!
- Saul was a shallow guy, a crowd-pleaser.
# posted by geoff @ 5:20 pm