Interview with a Theologian
The Uniting Church here in Oz has copped some flak recently over the homosexual ministry issue. So here's some good news. An interview in Melbourne's Age with Rev Dr Christiaan Mostert of the Theological Hall, Uniting Church (teacher at the Faculty of Theology, University of Melbourne).
The bible passage that fills Dr Mostert with wonder is Jn1:1,14 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory". Dr Mostert's comment: To me, that says it all.
In response to the question "what are the best ways of reconciling Christ's deity and his humanity", Dr Mostert answered There is no "reconciling" these two claims in the normal sense of the word, by finding a middle way. Christian faith has tenaciously insisted that things fully divine and things fully human have to be said about this one person. There is no simple explanation. But Christians believe that God, in the Person of the Son, came among us as one of us.
It was a good interview, but I can't find the url!
# posted by geoff @ 4:58 pm