I agree Carol
Yes I think that 'blend' is a better word. I think that when we are close to Jesus, living with him, seeing the world as he sees it, trying to do what he would have us do, listening, walking, ... we become more like him, realising his ways are ways of peace, whereas 'the world' is about anger, confrontation, winning, succeeding, and self.
I think that we 'blend' with friends too, as we assess their ideas and ways and take on that which suits us. Yet we want to be somewhat independant and offer them something too. With Jesus, there's a lot to understand and gently take on. We are just part of his enormous kingdom: what depends on us? very little.
BSf which Geoff writes about a lot talks about 'leadership' a lot. I don't see the call to leadrships much in the bible, its a call to sevice.
# posted by Anonymous @ 10:34 pm