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God Spot
This Christian Resource Blog has been created by a group of friends from around the world. Our purpose is to provide links to useful resources, some commentary on topical or doctrinal issues, a place where anyone can come with questions and a means whereby we can share our faith. And above all, to grow and encourage each other. As Christians, we believe we bear God's image in this world, and seek to glorify God's name in this endeavour. Any Christian who wants to join with us is very welcome!

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Growing in Christ 

Hello David and Gary.
David, a little part of what you wrote caught my attention:
He made the point that we don't need to pray for these things because God IS all of these - God IS love, IS patient IS strong etc. These are the attributes of God.

I remember a few years ago being in despair about my human nature. JUST like what you said in Romans. Everything kept turning to custard again and again. So I decided (in my desperate groping to sort this problem out) to list my weaknesses and work on them one at a time till I had them conquered!

I started off with the first thing (don't ask what it was!!) but it wouldn't work! The more I tried, the more I seemed to fail, and the more all the things I wasn't concentrating on seemed to become worse!

And then I thought of a baby. He doesn't think: "Now I will learn to walk. Then I shall learn to eat with a spoon." Etc. He just lives .... depends on his parents for nurturing and sustanance, and each thing at its own pace begins to develop. The parents assist and help along the journey of growth ..... until finally one day, the baby has grown up and can do all these things! He hardly knew they were happening. (By the way, he never stops learning!)

And so, I stopped thinking about my failings and weaknesses. I stopped despairing. All I did, was start to love God more. I spent more time with Him. He spoke to me and we became an item:) Then one day I noticed that all the things I despaired over ... were sorting themselves out! I didn't even think about them any more, because as I began growing in Christ, these things were sorting themselves out slowly as and when God wished to deal with them.

Like a child cannot visibly be seen growing taller, (they say you can see asparagas growing!) nor can we. It just happens. Isn't that easy? No more worries and despair.... just love Him and get close..... and because He dwells in us, He becomes part of us!

Forgive the length here! Thankyou David:)

# posted by Caroline @ 11:35 pm

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