do we Carol
"and we eventually merge spirits with Him" Yes we become more like Him, but we don't lose ourselves in God, (or the universe --Nivarna to a Budhist). We retain our personality but we become more Chirst-like. We become gentler, more loving, because we are not so busy, with time we can get to know Jesus.
Geoff and I would say we are busy guys: we like our situation and the discipline of bsf and my fortnightly bible study at church. I relax while walking the dog. The street around from mine has a house with a white magnolia tree in front,now with the flowers out in full, but just a few past their best and the new leaves are coming: its so beautiful. Last night I just stopped and looked at it for a couple of minutes.
What does Jesus really say to us; not do this or not do that, (that's rules and legalisms), I think he says 'get to know me, and be like me', take time spend time with me.
Comments folks ...... Gary
# posted by Anonymous @ 10:06 pm