Dame Edna's Disciples
Went to see Dame Edna (aka Barry Humphries) the other day. She had a good disciples line. While prowling backwards and forwards along the stage, scrutinizing the audience in the front rows to decide who to pick to get on stage (and then humiliate them!), she came out with "you're all thinking "hope she doesn't pick me". Is that the attitude? Think of the disciples on Galilee. Were they all saying "hope Jesus doesn't pick me today"? No. They were flaunting themselves. Waving their fish-nets at him and shouting "pick me Jesus". And he gave them enough material to write 4 best sellers!"
It was very funny. But I must admit to being under strict instructions not to book seats in the first half-dozen rows. Definitely not disciples' material!!
# posted by geoff @ 4:14 pm